Resource optimisation
Time & Cost savings
Real time data

eTrapper solutions

eTrapper has designed 2 end-end solutions to transform predator management / eradication programs. 

Our eTrap solution for kill traps consists of 3 components:

  • a eTrap sensor device fitted to the kill trap housing thereby turning it into a monitored trap,

  • a national IOT network for communications, and

  • a cloud hosted software platform for remote management of traps and reporting of data, includes alert functionally and planning tools. 

Our Baitsense solution for bait station monitoring also consists of 3 components:

        - a Baitsense sensor device fitted to the inside of a philproof bait station,
        - a IoT network for communications, and
        - TrapNZ cloud hosted software platform,  for remote management of baitstations and reporting            of data, includes alert functionally and planning tools. 

eTrappers solutions have been designed for scalable deployment into all sectors across New Zealand, from farmers, orchardists, life style block holders, community groups, local and regional councils, Iwi, conservation projects through to businesses.

Key to our solutions is the benefit users derive from resource efficiencies, cost savings and provision of data for reporting and planning purposes to streamline operational activities. 

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Key Benefits


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