Introducing eTrapper
eTrapper offers innovative IoT based technology solutions to help New Zealand's drive to a predator free status.
Our solutions are designed to make project operations more efficient so limited resources can be maximised.
Our first solution was eTrap - a solution that enables remote monitoring of kill traps. This provides a key benefit to users to not only reduce the time and costs spent checking traps, but also for the first time gain access to real time data enabling reporting and effective use of resources as well as enhancing the design of future trapping programs.
The eTrap solution consists of:
- a device (sensor hardware) to attach to kill traps or cages,
- a nationally provided IoT network,
- a cloud hosted software platform that maps and dashboards real time data.
By providing real-time information on the status of your traps, your time can then be spent managing only those traps that require servicing and resetting, allow expensive labour to be deployed to other tasks.
In 2022, with the support from PF2050 Ltd, we introduced Baitsense - a solution for real time measuring of bait levels in bait stations. The solution comprises of:
- a device (sensor hardware) to fit into a mini Philproof Gen III bait station,
- a nationally provided IoT network,
- TrapNZ cloud hosted software platform that maps and dashboards real time data.
By providing real-time information on the status of your bait stations, time is spent managing only those bait stations that require refilling allowing redeployment of labour.
We believe our solutions are key enablers to assist the transform of predator management programs across multiple sectors in New Zealand.
Current predator management program issues
Time and labour cost savings ... checking traps or bait stations is a time consuming process and we know time is highly valuable. Everyone's busy, so whether it be checking empty trap after empty trap, or full bait station after full bait station, using labour when its not needed isn't the best use of resources. Both our product solutions deliver in these areas.
Efficient & Effective use of toxins... toxin use is a highly emotive topic. Toxins are widely used for predator eradication projects whereby the scale and/or the location of the program arguably presents little alternatives. However, facing a reducing social licence, monitoring of their usage is a simple and effective mechanism to ensure they are used efficiently. Our solution is Baitsense with monitors the rate of bait take from bait stations.
Data requirements.... whether it be the requirement to have a Pest Management Plan in place for a food producer / packhouse operation, through to a community conservation group wanting its volunteers to provide accurate and timely reports, the current manual reporting based systems require significant streamlining. In integrating our solutions into a cloud based platform whereby users can easily access dashboards which provide clear visuals of the current status of your bait stations you have ready data available.
Change is here !. eTrapper have solutions to address all these issues.

Conservation Solutions
Our solutions provide great benefits for conservation projects run by the likes of IWI groups, community projects, local and regional councils and national conservation authorities.
In recognition of the scale and sometimes unique requirements your projects have we are happy to discuss these requirements directly with you - don't hesitate to contact us.

Key Benefits

Both the eTrap and Baitsense devices notify users of the real-time status of their equipment. This means servicing moves from the traditional schedule model to event based: visits to, and the cleaning of, only the traps that have been activated, or those bait stations that are empty.
Both sensor devices have been designed with ease of use in mind. The eTrap is easily attached to a trap, taking less than 1 minute to setup, while the Baitsense device fits to the inside lid of the philproof mini bait station ! Both devices are shipped ready to go so simply attach as per the instructions, give the devices a name within the platform and start.
Both eTrap and Baitsense presents data in real time in the TrapNZ platform. The eTrap can also be setup to provide email alerts when traps are activated.
This remote monitoring allows for task assignment and rapid servicing by field agents (whether this be the on-site manager or outsourced contractors or volunteer groups).
The data is packaged into a range of graphs, reports and maps to give you access to a new range of management tools, that at a base level informs you of:
location on map of where the predators are active, or being caught
what bait is attracting them
time of the day are they at their most active
As this data builds over time it will present you with a tool kit to help you optimize your predator management programs. Planning tools such as calendars and task assignments can be shared across project teams to deliver further program efficiencies.
If you have a general question or need to get in touch with us, please find our details below;
Phone: 0274 114 290
eTrapper is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use any of your personal information to provide the products and services you requested from us or administer your account.